Do you want to make a planning or other application for development?

The success of an application depends on a number of matters, which include the principle of development, design and layout and, whether the development can be shown to be in accordance with the adopted planning policies.


The presentation of your proposals is also important.


You must cover all the material considerations that are involved, in the clearest and most succinct manner to enable your proposal to be easily understood.


Whether you wish to erect new residential, commercial, agricultural or other buildings or extend or change the use of existing buildings, Forester TPC Limited can help.


We can prepare and submit any planning and other applications for your proposals and deal with the necessary liaison and negotiation with planning officers and statutory consultees, Members of the Council, Parish Councils, neighbours and other interested parties throughout the determination process.


We can undertake all planning reports, necessary land surveys and also prepare scaled plans for your proposals, we also have strong links to a network of other professionals.


These include architects and designers, who can provide more complicated scaled plans, heritage consultants, archaeologists, ecologists and engineers who can provide technical reports and drawings, ecologists for birds, bats, reptiles or otter surveys, condition surveys, structural surveys, flood risk assessments and any other information required by the National or Local lists of required accompanying documents.


Have a look at our projects page to see our recent successes.