Forester TPC Limited planning services 1
Forester TPC Limited planning services 2

Planning Services

Are you planning a building project and need advice  or assistance with your proposals?


We can help by providing an initial site appraisal on the principle of development at the outset or more specific advice on matters arising further along the application process.

Are you proposing to make a planning or other application for development?


We can assist with the preparation, submission and negotiation of planning and other applications for your proposals, and can normally provide the necessary land surveys, scaled plans and other drawings that are needed. 


We have links to a network of other professionals who can provide heritage reports, condition, structural, or ecology surveys, and flood risk assessments and any other information required by the National or Local list of accompanying documents if required.

Have you been refused planning permission and need to re-apply?

We can help to overcome difficulties encountered during the process, negotiate with Council officers or consultees and prepare and submit a revised application for you.


 Do you want to make an appeal against a refusal of permission?

We can advise you on the likelihood of success if you wish to appeal and prepare and submit an appeal for you.


Have you been living on your site or using your land for many years for a purpose and want to apply for a Certificate of  Lawfulness?

We have considerable experience and success in dealing with such matters, can provide advice about evidence you will need and assist with the preparation and submission of your application or provide advice about permitted development.


Are you facing enforcement  action?

We can assist you with good initial advice on the likelihood of success for an application to retain unauthorised development, make any necessary application for you or deal with any appeal against the issue of an enforcement notice to resolve the matter for you.


If you are involved in any of the above or have any other planning problem, then please contact the practice as we can help.

Find further information about our planning services in the links, above

rtpi charteredtp logo

Heather Woodman is a member of the Royal Town Planning Institute
and is a Chartered Town Planner with 30 years' experience of planning in both the public and private sectors.

Membership of the RTPI means that a person has met the highest standards of education and continues to do so through Continuing Professional Development throughout their career. It also means that Forester TPC Limited acts under the regulations and ethical guidelines of the RTPI and the Code of Professional Conduct.